Friday, December 17, 2004


...but then again... you are supposed to do something, aren't you? I mean, yes you do stumble and you do fall, but at least you got up. You started walking. You might as well run a little, jump over fences, catch the last train...
There's that Razorlight song, called Stumble and Fall. a great one, if i may say so. And yes I may - that's why I created this blog in the first place. You should check this song - if you haven't already, erm... stumbled and fell over it on tv or the radio or something. It's nice because it's not great, you know what I mean? It's nice because it's the sound of young England. It's nice because it treats losers in a way that lets you think that a loser shouldn't necessarily be a pathetic punk, charming in a picturesque point of view. You can always write a hands down song with a chorus like "I'm a loser baby, why don't you kill me"...
But you can also do better than that - You can write another one, not so musically innovative, but twice as much melodic, that talks about stumblings and fallings. Because... hey, to stumble and to fall means that you got yourself straight, even for a while. You may have stumbled, you may have fallen, but you got yourself straight alright. That's why you stumbled, that's why you fell. Mumbling, mumbling.. This blog will try to straighten things up. So, I guess it will stumble and will fall... I got no problem with that. At least i cannot afford to...


Blogger boyblue said...

inspiring as always...
thanks for the message. i got it and read it and printed it to read it again later.
i'm sick today. not in a very good way at all.
i think i'll go home and listen to beck's 'sea change'.
i think it will do some good.
get writing!
we are all expecting great things from 'head over he..ll'

4:37 AM

Blogger Hector Drone said...

Thanx 4 the kind words. But don't feel that way, please. I really see no reason. Don't be melodramatic just because it's actually kind of... nice to lose yourself in this sea of blue feelings & moods. I know it's like an addiction - it doesn't feel that bad to feel sick. BUT...hey, Don't give up. Not now! Not so fast... If u really have strong feelings, then u ought to fight for them. it awlays helps to know you did your best. Then u can move on much easier... Try it... And don't u dare get on that boat before having secured at least one more contact... DO that, and I'll buy you the Sandie Shaw re-release. The one that features all Smiths members... Fair enough?

6:24 AM


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