space invaders

They're already here.
This Summer, the last war on Earth won't be started by humans.
They've been planning this for a million years. And these are only the first. They'll keep coming. This is not a war. This is an extermination!
No one would have believed in the early years of the twenty-first century that our world was being watched by intelligences greater than our own. That as men busied themselves about their various concerns, they observed - and studied. With infinite complacency, men went to and fro about the globe, confident of their empire over this world. Yet, across the gulf of space, intellects vast, and cool, and unsympathetic regarded our planet with envious eyes... and slowly, and surely, drew their plans against us.
Perhaps i am a man of exceptional moods. i do not know how far my experience is common. at times i suffer from the strangest sense of detachment from myself and the world about me; i seem to watch it all from the outside, from somewhere iconceivably remote, out of time, out of space, out of the stress and tragedy of it all...
In about 24 hours, the War Of The Worlds will have begun. Where will you be?...
tom cruise must be stopped !!!!
12:05 AM
in bed. working 10 and a 1/4 hours flippin burgers sucks ass
4:19 AM
Hector, I am a Tom C. fan (please show some understanding and don't laugh at me). Can I have a poster pleeeeeeeeeeeease?
4:34 AM
while you're at it...
i want a batman begins poster
5:21 AM
I think I will manage to sort both of you out with your poster requests...
a. Rainman, bear in mind that TC does not appear in either poster...
b. Boyracer, there are six different Batman Begins poster. Please check the official site and let me know which one you like the most...
c. Dave - too bad mate. it really sucks... but be patient... The movie's not gonna go anywhere.... :-)
d. Vague Tourist... I just happen to like the whole tag line anticipation - that's all
e. White_Car_In_Germany - hahaha, nah... this ain't no promotion. This is just my side of the story. It's an interesting movie with some scary moments, impressive visuals and a star whom I may not admire but i totally respect as he's the only Hollywood "beau" who has total control of his career moves. Plus... He hasn't done even one really bad movie, something no one can say about Brad Pitt [Legends Of The Fall, anyone?], Jude Law [more than one... :-)], George Clooney [Ocean's Twelve my ass!!!], Ben Affleck [well... only bad movies here, actually, plus he's not handsome, is he?]
Yeah, ok, he's too short... but that's what I like about him - I am better, hahahahaha
7:22 AM
το πρώτο θύμα του πολέμου των κόσμων:
Κέιτι Χολμς
άμοιρο κορίτσι
7:00 AM
Bite the hands that feeds, ha?...
Well, yup, I guess you could say that... I am sure that Tom cruise could feel your bite alright if there were such a case... But he's not exactly feeding me, is he?
11:11 PM
Oh, and I really cannot understand why Katie Holmes is so unlucky to you people... I mean, she is not exactly the Judy Dench of Hollywood so she could use the publicity boost, plus, TC seems like a good guy to hang around. Unless you are not into handsome, incredibly rich, well build, charming and glamorous men... Furthermore, I don't know many women who would be appalled if their boyfriend expressed his feelings with over-statements during the most popular TV talk show...
Then again... what do I know, right?...
11:15 PM
Righty right!
12:10 AM
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