love is a battlefield

Yesterday, I was trying to tide up my old play room. So I put away all the boxes containing playmobil and lego and subbuteo teams, action figures and lots of toy soldiers. I intented on giving them away to some charity organisation. But I was too tired to finish the job, so I left them in the corner… But… would you believe that?… I woke up at six o clock in the morning because of the noise: bullets, bombs, rockets, screaming, fighting and that bloody smoke! I couldn’t even breath… But when I opened the door… here’s what I saw. I am lucky I had my cell phone camera along, otherwise, you’d say I am kidding ya…
Step by step, heart to heart, left right left
We all fall down like toy soldiers
Bit by bit, torn apart, we never win
But the battle wages on for toy soldiers
It's getting hard to wake up in the morning,
My head is spinning constantly. How can it be
How could I be so blind to this addiction
If I don't stop the next one's gonna be me.
Only emptiness remains, it replaces all, all the pain.
Won't you come out and play with me
Can I have your playmobil? My mum has thrown away mine a looooooooong time ago and I still haven't forgiven her. :-(
12:06 PM
Koita_me... Good think you write in greeklsih...'cause your spelling in greek... well... you need to work a little more on that... :-)
I know good evenings are not free but... ok, it's not that it costs that much to type it down...
Rainman... My playmobil collection is safely guarded [by the toy soldiers]. They will surrender themeselves to my son, in ten years time or so... [???]
11:07 PM
i thought you said you were thinking of giving them to charity...
do i count?
I want them! I never had enough as a child (trauma time coming up...)
2:06 AM
You see, he is lying...he is not giving anything away. This charity thing is a big LIE! :-(
2:10 AM
Ok, you got me there. But that was the only lie in this post. Apart from that, I really did see my toy soldiers fighting one another... and, trust me, that was the war of all wars...
2:18 AM
So your toys from childhood are angry about the neglect, they begin warring with one another and you are suddenly flooded with Martika's only hit song? Who knew that platic could evote such emotions. Don't give them to charity. Start playing with them again.
11:49 AM
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