I was born in the year punk broke
Days before the king was dead
It was the year of the snake
I was a red-faced child
Who stumbled where he tread
Was kept in orderly file
My parents named me Hec
I tried my hardest to smile
And like my daddy said
I've tried to be myself
Sometimes daydreaming for hours
Wishing for a dangerous life
Cut the leash some slack
Run into the morning light
Race the trains by the track
Until my mouth feels dry
But can you count me?
I might let you down
In a world that is so sensational
No you can count on me
I'm for the now
Up against the older generation's wall
Born in the '70s
After a length of time
You're this parody
Just like the record's stuck
Always repeating the past
That never liked you before
You had no reason to last
We're in a silent war
A telepathic blast
And like my daddy said
These are exciting times
The future grabs my throat
And lets me know it's alright
If I believe in love
Then I believe in hate too
I'll taste the darker stuff
To find some lasting truth
Well... ok, that was just a song but it sums it up just fine, to be honest.
So... what more do you wanna know?...
To cut a long story short [i lost my mind] I'm so money baby!!!
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