vampires walkin’ through the valley

“Why do we fall, Bruce, why do we fall?
So that we’ll learn to pick up ourselves…”
Alfred Pennyworth, trying to persuade master Wayne that even Batman is a man. And every man falls sometimes. Every single one...
Some fall in the ground. Some fall behind. Some fall from great heights, screaming their way down. Some fall big time, so they crash for good. Some fall over and over again, addicted to their own mistakes. Some fall just for fun. Some climb higher and higher but they feel like falling. Some are whistling the Free Fallin’ tune. Some fall down, they collapse… Some fall apart, searching hopelessly for an inner strength they never had in the first place. Some fall on others because, even in bad times, they cannot deal with reality. Some fall about, in order to exorcise their demons. Some fall among others, because they cannot bear the thought of being special. Some fall away, unable to compete with timeworn routine. Some fall back so as never to be forced to claim something. Some fall for money or power. Some fall flat on their faces, just because they aimed too high or because others want them to be the fall guys. Some just fall into line because they feel they deserve nothing more. Some fall out with each other. Some fall over themselves and still never manage to get it right. Some fall short – you know, shit happens. Some fall through and crash into a wall. Some fall back on a faded memory. Some just fall asleep before making up their minds.
And there are some who fall in love. Head over he..ll
Fall in Love?
Don't fall for it.
It's all about coincidence. And it's still great.
p.s. music pick: I suggest "Fall To Pieces" by Velvet Revolver. Amazing ballad, for the "floroys" among us...
3:14 AM
It is an amazing ballad - I agree. totaly early 90s!!!
Fuck, Niva, i had written a dozen quotes from some movies I like, I posted the comment on your blog and... nothing's been posted. Now I have to re-write it!!!!! Urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
3:32 AM
Some fall fron grace...
4:33 AM
i might make someone fall dead if i hear 'fall' again. thank you :|
10:57 PM
some others stumble and fall (in love) though...
7:39 AM
Yup Noheathen, that's true, as you can read in my declaration of this blog's independence a couple of months ago...
Dave, take it easy mate, don't kill anyone here. I have so little visitors in this blog I cannot afford any casualties... :-/
Bloody hell, mate, I've been meaning to send this e-mail, there are many things I want u to know, but... I've been so bloody busy I cannot seem to find the time to do that. I hope this will be sortet out soon. Cheers!!!
10:45 PM
popular song syndrome, (ie you hear it alongside something as a jingle etc on tv and never like it again) only with that word.
at your leisure Hector, i have plenty of time now, only a week away from two weeks of holidays :)
6:05 AM
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