brother, you should spare a dimmer

Since mid day, it's raining non stop... Now, I am listening to it again. I take a look out of the window. Raindrops keep falling all over the place... I think I just found out the missing element!
Do yourself a favour, if you are into Spain, Tindersticks, Leonard Cohen, Freakwater or even Chris Isaak [...], get your copy now!!!
I love Sophia and from your description I am convinced I am going to love this band. I hope I will manage to find their cd at my local record store one of these days(I never find what I am looking for lately). I will listen to them and let you know :-)
6:47 AM
did you look into Cog? they sound like they'd kick this little man's proverbial bitch british ass to the floor. look into them. aussie band - new labum is called "The New Normal" do it. you know you want to. DO IT!
6:00 AM
helpless case; εγώ;
γιατί δηλαδή; επειδή χτες το απόγευμα έβαλα την 4χρονη ανηψιά μου να ακούσει ολόκληρο το "Love Bites" των Buzzcocks από αγνή περιέργια να δω πώς θα αντιδράσει; do you call that "helpless case";
6:00 AM
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