here she comes again

Yesterday, I left the office early, at about 17.30 or so. I had parked just across the street, so I popped in and within an hour I was at the beach. I swam for about 45’ minutes and then I drove back home. Not my home, as the heat is unbearable these days, so I prefer to spend the nights at my parent’s house, up the mountain.
So I took the road from the seaside to Penteli. The ride is marvellous. Every time I do it, I don’t want the journey to end, especially if the radio plays some good songs [and I am lucky, as both Athens’ “alternative” stations play non stop music these days, due to their producer’s summer holidays]. But this time, it was magical. Because, while still at sea level, I spotted lots of clouds moving near the top of the mountain. So, when I was actually up there, I was driving in the midst of the clouds. It was, erm, cloudy…
I turned on my fog lights and started slowing my speed. Then I saw a couple of cars moving the opposite direction. They had slowed down as well. The drivers had their heads out of the window, smelling the mountain air and feeling the fog’s invisible touch. We exchanged a quick glance. We smiled at each other. It was like sharing something our friends would not believe. For a single moment, we experienced a miracle of nature. We were there, witnessing the clouds embracing the top of the mountain. And then I wished for some rain… I guess that was too much, wouldn’t you say?
It didn’t rain. But when I turned right and took the final, long and winding road to my parents’ house, the radio tried to console me for my failed wish… Some guy obviously remembered that radio friendly, hooky and so catchy Alarm track. God, it’s been 18 years since the first time I listened to it… And still Mike Peters’ welsh accent when he sings those kinda nonsense lyrics… well… it still appeals to me. It was a hell of a summer - but nothing’s the same without you…
Under the anvil of the sun
Sweat, like a train
I come, I come,
My body to dust
Scorched by the might of the sun
Burning light, burning white heat
Like wildfire
I sweat a fever
My body screams
Disintegrates in the heat
Our love is the faith that keeps on burning
I love to feel the rain in the summertime
I love to feel the rain on my face
Burnt at the stake, on a bed of fire
My body rises
Taking me higher
My loves desire
Is pure ascension fire
And then I run ’til the breath tears my throat
’til the pain hits my side
As if I run fast enough
I can leave all the pain and the sadness behind
I love to feel the rain on my face
(in the summertime)
well, sort of, yeah, but, thakfully, I was driving, not you, so this time I skipped the "I wanna throw up" part! :-)
4:34 AM
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4:35 AM
well... there you go. dont see how news about stocks that dont exist relate to hector's lovely holiday, but there you go :)
9:40 PM
more news from the timber industry ! hec is back - welcome my friend - nice alarm song - thought "shelter" was a better single and mike peters hair is the do of the decade !...back to the timber industry ! buy stock in wood !
8:59 PM
Dave... They don't really exist? Fuck! I just invested all my savings....
Bridget, thank you for the warm welcome. Yup, Shelter was superb and Alarm are still a guilty pleasure of mine [when in high school, I was the only Greek with an Alarm pin, hahaha]. Useless tip #757: Mike Peter's hairdresser was his sister...
11:41 PM
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