knocking on hell's door

I saw lots of terrible movies in the last weeks: Fantastic Four, Wedding Date and… Edison. What they all had in common was at least one positive element. F4 had Jessica Alba [sweet smile & sexy curves], Wedding Date had some British scenery, Edison had… Dylan McDermott!
That guy had his 15 minutes of fame almost a decade ago, when People magazine declared he was the sexiest man on earth etc but he never quite made it big. He’s mainly a TV star now [seek for the mini series “The Grid”] and he will star on the new Pang Bros horror movie.
Till then, however, he’s the only reason worth paying to see Edison: no, Justin Timberlake is not worth a single penny as an actor [not that he’s worth it as a singer…], Morgan Freeman is bored to death with his own performance, Kevin Spacey has only one good line [Morgan: “God, I think I desperately need a woman!!!” – Kevin: “Well, don’t look at me…”], LL Cool J plays it low & safe as usual but McDermott… well he’s ace.
Because our guy Dylan is supposed to be a cocaine addicted, hard cop, named Lazerov, who belongs in the Special Forces so he doesn’t need to obey to anyone’s rules or any dress codes whatsoever. He never wears his bulletproof jacket, he has his right thumbnail polished, he’s beating the hell out of anyone, he smokes even under unusual circumstances [let’s say when his world is falling apart, but then again, I guess that’s when you need a fag the most] and he cracks from time to time, because of the cocaine addiction, the insomnia and the guilt [in a manner of speaking] for his dirty methods and his selling out… He’s also getting killed at some point and that’s the point of no return for the rest of the movie…
Actually, I’d say Edison has to be avoided at all costs, but at the same time it’s a proof that, sometimes, a good performance comes as a surprise from where [and whom] you’d expect it the least.
Now that was by far the most useless post of this blog’s career…
Το Λαμπρή ταιριάζει και με το όνομά σου ;-)
8:59 AM
back to that timber....
6:29 PM
I think you should work in the film industry, in the promotion department, because you have the talent of creating intrigue and value for the bad films (as I suspect Edison is but now I want to see it).
Oh, you already do that...
2:02 AM
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