la patata list

1. Deep Purple Smoke on the water [that riff makes me wanna smash a guitar. Not my guitar, though, Ritchie Blackmore’s]
2. The Doors Light my fire [When Ray Manzarek starts playing that circus-ish melody on keyboards, I think the world would be a better place without electric power]
3. The Beach Boys Surfin’ Safari [I mean, how shiny & happy can one be? Have mercy!]
4. Rainbow The temple of the king [“One day in the year of the fox/Came a time remembered well/When the strong young man of the rising sun/Heard the tolling of the great black bell” – ok, nonsense lyrics may be charming sometimes but… Pllllllllllllllllease!!!]
5. No Doubt Don’t speak [Problem is… it’s not that I have listened to it one too many times. Problem is I couldn’t stand it in the first place!!! Urghhhhhhh]
6. The Dandy Warhols Bohemian like you [ok, almost any Dandies song would do, but because of the Vodafone ad, this pretentious indie-trying-to-become-stadium-rock song just gets on my nerves!!!]
7. Tiesto Adagio for strings [The Americans use Samuel Barber’s “original” version everytime a President of the US dies and the Nation’s in mourning. Every single time I listen to it, I feel like a President of the US. Dead…]
8. U2 I still haven’t found what I'm looking for [Let’s say you’re a man, and 18 years after your declaration, you STILL cannot seem to find what the fuck you have been looking for all this time. Wouldn’t you say it’s high time you stopped moaning??? Bono Vox my ass!!!]
9. The Rolling Stones Angie [“…With no loving in our souls and no money in our coats…” There is nothing worse than a cocaine addicted millionaire impersonating a blues singer in no-way-I-am-having-a-mid-life-crisis-as-I-am-on-top-of-the-world crisis. But I could live with that. It’s the song itself that makes even other Stones’ dreadful song sound almost good by comparison]
10. The Kelly Family Fell in love with an alien [for once, words actually fail me]
A dead american president could also be a happy thought sometimes...
fell in love with an alien is a GREAT song.
5:03 AM
Totally with you on the REM track. But... Poor Man's Moody Blues... isn't it by Barclay James Harvest?...
5:19 AM
WCIG i m afraid that you ll be listening to "I touch myself" a lot in the future as Kate (moss ) and her boyfriend are about to release a cover of this dreadful song. So now you can help me kill this couple. Right?
5:23 AM
who's the boyfriend?
I mean... it's not exactly a "couples'" song, is it?
5:26 AM
Chimes, πολύ καλή διασκευή.
(Πάντως το Losing My Religion μ'αρέσει ακόμα-ίσως φταίει το εξαιρετικό βίντεο του Tarsem)
12:33 PM
eiste toso tyxeroi pou den kserete poios einai o boyfriend. edo kai 8 mines mas ta prizoun oi efimerides. exesan mazi i kate kai o pete (libertine/babysham), malosan gia mia grammi o pete kai i kate. pou na tou pesei i siriga sto keri gia tin apotrixosi tis.
(ti ksekatiniasma vradiatika)
5:00 PM
It's true that I didn't have an idea... Bloody hell, Kate Moss is determined to get herself in the rock league, whatever the price, right?
Anyhoo, both of them covering I touch myself? Hahahaha. actually, it does sound kind of promising, but like I sai, it's not exactly a couples' song, so are we supposed to get the irony here or is it just a fact that models don't actually make it because they are too exhausted to do anything that demands physical contribution, sweating and putting one's ego aside?
Btw, where did the other Libertine fellow go? Not Pete - the other one, the cool one!!!
P.S. Both Libertines record rock big time. You may say whatever you want about them, you can accuse them of being manufactured and all.... but, blame it on their british accents, on Mick Jones' production, on the excellent drumming, I dunno - I love them, especially their sophomore testament...
10:46 PM
The Clash cannot be included in a hate list.
It's not their fault you have listened to this track to every party you have ever been to since childhood.
So, as the administrator of this blog, it is my duty to delete # 19.
That means we're minus one for the perfect twenty. Any other ideas, people?
4:30 AM
Ελάτε να κοιμηθούμε, αλλά… μην κάνετε μπάνιο κιόλας και πάθουμε καμία σύγχυση!!!
Manu Chao – τι μαλάκας!!! Όλη του η δισκογραφία έχει θέση σε αυτή τη λίστα – εξαιρούνται οι Μano Negra στην καλή τους περίοδο [αν και τον αντιπαθώ τόσο που ακόμα κι αυτοί με εκνευρίζουν κάπως]
Σαφώς και ήσουν εντός θέματος με το κομμάτι των Clash. Επίσης, είμαι ο τελευταίος που θα ισχυριζόταν ότι κάποια ονόματα είναι στο απυρόβλητο, αλλά επειδή οι Clash τυχαίνει να είναι, απλά, το κορυφαίο rock συγκρότημα όλων των εποχών, ε… δικό μου το blog, δικές μου και οι αδυναμίες…
Ο Joe Cocker θα έκανε τα πάντα για μία κερασμένη μπίρα, πόσο μάλλον για ένα δωρεάν καφάσι…
Αντί για τον ίδιο τον pathetic, πλέον, Burdon, προτείνω στη λίστα να μπουν όλοι εκείνοι που πραγματικά χαίρονται όταν μαθαίνουν ότι θα παίξει live στη χώρα μας. Και πηγαίνουν κιόλας. Και τραγουδάνε με τσιγάρο και μπίρα σε πλαστικό ποτήρι στο χέρι, ψιλοχορεύοντας άχαρα…
Κάτω οι γέροι! Period
5:38 AM
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