Wednesday, December 28, 2005

O Tannenbaum

When I was a child,
I thought that
a new PlayMobil set
was the best present
in the whole wide world.
it’s high time
I re-evaluated some things,
wouldn’t you say?…

Monday, December 12, 2005

timing is everything

Even a clock that’s broken can be precisely right and useful at least twice a day!

Now, that’s not a bad thought to start/end your day, is it?…

Friday, December 09, 2005


Monday morning feels so bad,
Ev'rybody seems to nag me
Coming tuesday I feel better,
Even my old man looks good,
Wednesday just don't go,
Thursday goes too slow,I
've got Friday on my mind

Gonna have fun in the city,
Be with my girl she's so pretty,
She looks fine tonight,
She is out of sight to me,

Tonight....I spend my bread,
Tonight...I lose my head,
Tonight...I got to get

Monday I have Friday on my mind.
Do the five day drag once more,
Know of nothing else that bugs me
More than working for the rich man,
Hey I'll change that scene one day,
Today I might be mad,
Tomorrow I'll be glad,
I've got Friday on my mind,

The Easybeats, “Friday On My Mind”

Great song. As far as the lyrics go… well, I don’t know about that. But it’s Friday alright. And I have the worst hangover in the history of bad hangovers…
But as I am about to turn 32 years old in two month’s time, I come to think of my achievements in this life and I am afraid I have to be honest with you: all those years the only things I never got bored of were the following…

* Managing this great band I had the privilege to work for in a past life
* Being a music journo
* Making tape/cd compilations
* Listening to music
* Browsing in record stores
* Playing pc and console games
* Playing basketball myself
* Talking nonsense with my friends
* Watching movies, even boring ones
* Reading English books
* Spending time with a certain someone

So much for my career progression plans…