Monday, December 12, 2005

timing is everything

Even a clock that’s broken can be precisely right and useful at least twice a day!

Now, that’s not a bad thought to start/end your day, is it?…


Blogger bginley said...

isn't that from a Ride or Blur song ? now whose the NERDFARM ?

11:20 AM

Blogger Temporary Alien said...

I don't think it's from a song...I'm pretty sure it's a line from a film..I just can't remember which one...and what character would say that and in what context...

9:14 AM

Blogger Dave said...

that picture reminds me of a ww2 one i saw where a russian soldier had been run over by a tank like the watch and was squished into the shape of the (tank) tracks. random...

1:29 AM

Blogger Hector Drone said...

This blog's readers are beyond this blog's intelligence... :-)
You all are far more sophisticated than I can pretend I am... :-)

I am sure this line must have been used here and there since ancient times [well, οκ, since the first clock broke down...] but actually I saw it recently in the Woody Allen movie "Anything Else".

Thank you all for stopping by... It's very flattering that you haven't given up on me yet after all these enormous time gaps...


12:40 AM

Blogger Marina said...

Timing is everything for those who stick to the clock. If the clock is broken or taken away, I wonder what the clockoholics will do in comparison to the rest of the people..

1:19 AM

Blogger Hector Drone said...

At least they won't feel behind schedule or something...

4:27 AM

Blogger Temporary Alien said...

Of course! "Anything Else" - I was watching it on TV the other day, that's why it sounded so familiar. I love Woody, but I really didn't like this film...lately he just keeps repeating himself in a non-witty way. I love those earlier films of his, like "Radio Days", or his bit of the "New York Stories" called "Oedipus Wrecks" that was witty AND funny!!

9:50 AM

Blogger bginley said...

dude - it's ride - going blank again

4:51 PM


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