take me down to the ocean [of your eyes]

It's been a hell of a summer to be lying so low
Dogs and cats dropping down in the street
Yellow bellies crying trick or treat/trick or treat, and I say to you ....
It's been a hell of a summer to be lying so low
Every word of kindness tastes like bile
Deep in our hearts, we knew it all the while, and I say to you ...
In the heat of the summer, to be kept lying way down so low
What you have sir, dispose of at your will
What you cannot have sir, you must kill/you must kill, and l say to you
It's been hell
I’ve been away for 15 days. It’s been a hell of a fortnight… The first week was sheer magic: Santorini is by far the best place in the world. I read books, I listened to unbelievably many cd’s, I’ve met some nice people, I slept a lot, a swam two and a half hours every day and I hardly moved my ass away from the hotel facilities. It was the first time I went on holiday all by myself. I had such a great time that I am afraid I will only do so from now on… :-)
Nah, I am only joking. But it’s true that at this very special period of my life, I had to do it.
And now I’m back
to let you know
I can really shake 'em down...
Erm… wrong quote. Let’s try again…
And so I'm back
from outer space
I just walked in to find you here
with that sad look upon your face
I should have changed my stupid lock
I should have made you leave your key
If I had known for just one second
you'd be back to bother me…
Hahaha. Wrong lyric again!!!. Let’s play shuffle to see what the cat will drag in…
I heard you really got sick
Sick in Santorini
You found a Greek who liked martinis
You used the olives for bikinis
You never like to take it slow
Forever fire you were roaring
Like Niagara Falls you were pouring
No act of God could slow your party down
But every story got and ending
You kissed every boy saint and sinner
Your Grecian holiday was a winner
'Til they had to scrape your head up off the ground
I heard you really got sick
Sick in Santorini
The sun was down and you were frying
The boys weren't around and you were dying
You know, you know, you got sick
Hahaha, what a song… Anyhoo, Let’s put Dada [the band] aside and eat just the olives out of our martinis. I just wanted to let you know that I am actually back and I will update my blog – just give me some time to catch up with my e-mails and I will get back to you [and hopefully not AT you] anytime soon. Yup, you can see that both as a promise and a threat! :-)
Welcome back H.! Is this the scenery you have been enjoying for the last two weeks? If yes, I envy you - I like this wilderness. If on the other hand you were sunbathing, squeezed among screaming kids and their overweight Greek parents, I think I prefer the howling dog that has been keeping me awake these last few nights and the bulldozer digging holes just outside my window even on a Sunday! Oh, I’m sure you’ve kept away from cliché images of summer Greekness, so I’m guessing you’ve had a good time???
12:20 AM
Ok, I swear that the only thing on this post was three litte Xs and a picture...so, OK, my question was answered: you've had a great time. Some quality time with ourselves every now and then is not bad after all...
12:26 AM
cmon magical email response due a couple of months ago.....*rolls pair of sixes* hah! time to mail me hector.... :)
2:37 AM
hey!! welcome back you scoundrel!
4:11 AM
Hector, you are back! You were really missed. Next time you should take a laptop with you. Imagine all the fantastic posts inspired by the fantastic island. But I guess you brought the Muse back with you... You sound so "refuelled". I am jealous... But I am leaving next week :-)
2:21 PM
welcome back :)
3:17 PM
Thank you all for the kind words. I am afraid I cannot say it's good to be back - because "back" consists of 1% blogging and 99% work... Yeah, it sucks, I know... :-)
Temporary Alien - yes, that's the beach which laid in front of my room. I was in the Northern side of the island - it's quiet and relaxing and inspiring and whatever you want it to be... Oh, and it's great, have I mentioned that?
Dave - u r right... but, hey, in the meantime, how about updating your blog?
Boyracer - we should go out gor a coffee sometime soon, no?
Lostboy - someone's owing me a couple of Sakamoto cd's! :-)
White Car - msdu2. arrange something as soon as possible. Any movies that you haven't seen?
Rainman - that's very kind of you. I am afraid I don't have a laptop just yet... I am working on it but money's never enough... However, I managed to write something while I was sipping my tequila sunrise cocktail... Unfortunately, it's too personal [a kind of a lost love letter] so you won't be seeing it published on my blog anytime soon... No, I didn't bring back any Muse. I was more into Richard Hawley, hahahaha [ok, bad wordplay]
Noheathen - blimey, boy! How can you be 22 and listen to all these not well known at all bands? Pretty amazing taste, if u ask me. And anybody who likes the cover of Gloomy Sunday by The Assosiates is welcome to my blog...
11:48 PM
damn boy...
u got, like, a fan club here or somethin'
6:24 AM
Welcome bark.
7:15 PM
done, now it's your turn sir.
4:49 AM
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