like angels ought to smell

Walk down the right back alley in Sin City and you can find anything.
I had read Frank Miller’s comic a couple of years ago. I knew Robert Rodriguez was talented. I was told that the movie was wonderful. I was amazed by the trailer and the photo still. However, I couldn’t possibly expect to see what I saw. It’s not a matter of taste or a matter of how Rodriguez manages to outTarantino… our kid Quentin or what’s the use of all this violence or how come Mickey Rourke got back from the artistic grave or even if the movie is excellent or not. It’s just that SIN CITY already belongs to Cinematic History. And its feature would be in gold pages, if it were not necessary to have everything in black and white…
The casting, the music, the direction, everything is just perfect. No, it’s not exactly one of the best movies I have ever seen – I wouldn’t even dare to say it’s one of my favorites. But… you HAVE to see it. It’s unique!
This ain't no bar-room brawl. These are the old days, the bad days, the all-or-nothing days. They're back!
dude. find something intelligent to say. you killed the joke long ago. let it lie.
3:47 AM
hey bud this is Em from Cemetary Gates, how ya been? cant say ive really heard of any o the band s your refered me to, Placebo i have (got all their albums, seriously amazing stuff there lemmie tell ya) but ill make a mental note to suss them out for ya :) as i trust your judgement (you had me at "The Clash" lol)well bud have a rad night and may tommorow be awesome and totally random, im off
2:17 AM
cool movie it was, really
10:07 AM
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