read it and weep

She had been gone and it was quiet… Well, not quiet actually – a little later,he had to go as well. But whenever he looked around and saw the same scenery minus her physical presence… it felt as if it were quiet… You know?
The high speed was, erm, highspeeding on the water. He asked for my pen. I gave it to him. He looked determined. He needed a pen. I was glad I was there to give him one… He started writing. Writing to reach her, obviously. I tried to pretend I wasn’t noticing but I managed to look over his shoulder a couple of times. I could only read some words but it made sense in a way. I mean, I think I can guess what he was writing. I believe he wrote about the songs they talked about. The songs they listened to together. About the feelings they didn’t honestly talk about in deep. About the melodies that surrounded her. About the soundtrack of their lives. About how safe and relaxed and in love he made her feel. About how complete and high she made him feel. About how their bodies matched perfectly together. How great their kisses were. About how she inspired him. About how she missed him. About how she couldn’t think of anything else. About their love making… All night long. And all day long as well. About music. About seeing in his eyes and having her heart ache. About her moving around and making his heart skip a beat. About every useless, non practical, stupidly romantic, nothing to do with reality, beyond the daily facts thing you could ever imagine.
I smiled. He didn’t see me smile. He couldn’t know. He was lost in his world. Their world. I think he’s a fool. The world is full of romantic losers. They make me and some others seem gifted and capable of anything… Ha!
I smiled. He kept on writing. He was alone. He had his earphones on and I could listen to some hi hat sounds. I smiled. Most probably he would never finish the letter – and she would never read it. Most probably he wouldn’t have the guts to deliver it anyway… I mean, who cares?
Well… I care. Because I had this ironic smile, these train of cynical thoughts and this superiority spark in my executively trained eye but… I was jealous. Of him. Of her. Of their relation ship. Of the songs they shared. Of their short holiday. Of everything they got together. I envy something I cannot exactly dig. It’s not that I am after what I ain’t got or what I miss. It’s just that he looked so absorbed… So happy, lost in his words. My pen, a pen I had used so far only to sign contracts and approve budgets and give professional e-mail and telephone numbers to other successful pros like me… well my pen, looked like my… ex pen actually. Because it was on fire. And if it could only talk – I bet it’d tel you that its goal in life was fulfilled. It was used for a love letter, whereas I had been misusing it and abusing it all along.
I stopped smiling. I got up and changed a seat. He looked straight up and made a move with his hand. He was giving me back my pen. Now he was the one gently smiling. “It’s ok, keep it”, I said, “I have lots of them”… That was a lie. It was my favorite pen. But I never asked to get it back. I trusted it was happy in his hands, writing words of love and strong emotion and missing heartbeats and wet eyes and exciting thrills and endless touches and caresses…
The next day, I resigned. My company’s accountant called me to sign some papers. I asked for a pen. He gave me one. It was out of ink. Mechanically, I put my hand in my suit’s pocket. “Silly you”, I thought, "you gave away your favorite pen just a day ago"… But, my fingers touched something that felt like a pen. I drew it out. It was a pen. That pen! The pen was there. The very same pen!
“I have never seen a man smiling so glowingly the very moment he signs his resignation!”, the Money Man said. I was smiling again. And I hadn’t even realized it… So, this is the first step to happiness or what?…
I wonder if she ever read his letter… If they’re still together. If they ended up hurting one another. If they could ever suspect how much I owe them… Even more than I envy them. Still.
beautiful post. made me wanna look around for my pen...
2:12 AM
MacManus, it's ok, we got your point. Plus you proved that you can handle copy/paste just fine... Now, shall we go on with our communist party? Please, everyone, bring your own bottle of wine...
3:39 AM
ummm did that have a relavant point sides all that lovey dovey go the pen angle?
*cue intilligent criticism*
5:07 AM
Good points, both of you...
Dave, I am afraid, best case scenario, there is a best kept secret somewhere between the lines... But deep deep down... So, in a way, it's just nonsense. Fiction. A romanticesque story.But u r right. Life would be exactly the same even without this post, hahaha
Chili, would it really lose all romantic aspects if it happened to you? I don't think so. Even the pen found itseldf romantically involved...
5:28 AM
Oh Chili - it's too bad you don't start a blog of your own - I'd be constantly on line for you. And you really like wordplays... But you never asnwered back my comment to your comment to my comment [phew!!!] on Niva's blog... :-)
However, no I didn't mean Sean PEN [n] and I sure didn't mean any PENis or PENetrations whatsoever... It's obviouls I meant my PENniless state of wealth... :-/
6:21 AM
At first I thought LOL meant Lots Of Love, that's why I considered most bloggers to be gay.
Now that I know better, I found out that LOL means Laugh Out Loud. Most bloggers are gay anyway, but that's another matter... :-)
However, what does LFOL mean? I honestly don't know!
And u STIL don't answer to the other one, hahaha
6:47 AM
Hector, you romantic fool. You always (you, me, they) want what you don't have. And it's driving you mad. It's written all over your face. But, you forget one thing.
I wonder what the story would be like coming from the dude's viewpoint. He probably feels sad, empty, perhaps irritated, angry. There is a huge pool of emotions that reside in these romantic situations that you, who doesn't live them right now, purposefully forget. A choice that I understand.
We all tend to forget the pain because we think the pleasure is greater and more important. But is it?
I saw "Hitch" last night (quite good for a romantic comedy). Will Smith said "life is not the breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away". Personally, I don't agree. Because by searching these moments, you underestimate all the others that are perhaps less powerful but more than satisfying. They are the moments that complete you, not the ones that blow you away.
Do I sound old and ready to compromise? Maybe, but I'm sure that this is just a conspiracy, because I actually feel good about it.
P.S. Any chance of actually go out for a drink? I mean I know where to find you, but it's not the same.
7:44 AM
One of your best posts! Also a big surprise to read these words only some months after your "Love Is An Illusion" comment(
No matter what you say, it's obvious that the Muse returned to Athens with you. Can I borrow her some time ? (this reminds me of that Sharon Stone film)
2:33 PM
Looks to me like Aquarians are usually on the outside looking in. Some call us aloof, but the reality is we're shit-scared of our emotions, so we take voyeuristic pleasure in watching others do that stupid romantic stuff.
12:52 AM
White Car [είχαν και οι Hipsway τέτοιο track] – Η Τζοάνα είναι από την Αυστραλία. Τι θέλεις να κάνει;
Επίσης, ε, δεν είναι και υψηλό το επίπεδο. Elementary να έχεις πάρει, το πιάνεις το νόημα… Επίσης… μιλάς ΕΣΥ για την αλόγιστη χρήση αγγλικών; Θα μας τρελάνεις??? [το «νεις»] με προφορά παρακαλώ!
Rainman – thank you for the kind words. Please do bear in mind that fiction has nothing to do with, erm, reality so… it’s no wonder how the hero of this post is different to me. No Muse in sight, however, I am afraid…
Joanna – hmmmmmmm…. You couldn’t be more wrong, actually, but… I guess you are right. In a way…. :-) Nevertheless, I have been accused for many things – never for being scared to show my feelings, though… Thank you for stopping by. Always a pleasure to get your points of view
Chili – theirs is always more, innit?
Niva – I am not after what I ain’t already got. Plus… the guy in question didn’t seem sad or empty to me. Angry? Not at all! Your point is accurate but not valid in the case of this post’s story.
Hitch is pretty good indeed. And some lines are unbelievably to the point!
I agree with you about the breath moments. After all, it would be miserable to accept that a few highs [quite possibly disguised voids] determine you and your position in this life. It’s not a matter of emotional power [of such a thing exists] but a matter of balance. Even when you are going down [or up…]
No, u don’t sound old to me. You sound confident, so I feel good about you as well!
Yup, we should go out. We should definitely have some drinks. No, in the Box we couldn’t be calm and exchange words of wisdom about Eagles Of Death Metal and the Valley Of The Dolls. So… let’s keep our phones charged… :-)
8:02 AM
why are you doing this to me hector d?
its friday night, i feel lonely as you dont want to know and i cry like a baby. i dont need this.
(very good post but think about the others please next time)
1:03 PM
Hector, let me explain something. When I am refering to the muse I don't mean a beautiful chick you met on the island, I mean THE MUSE (the fairy/godess or anything else you want to call her)of creation.
12:12 AM
Good God, Junky, sorry about that but you really caught me by surprise there. Not in a million years would I ever think you could be affected by something like that. C'mon now, hon, you were supposed to be hard as a rock, beyond all this unrealistic nonsense. When did you become romantic and stuff?
Hey... as Franz Ferdinand say...
"So if you're lonely,
You know i'm here waiting for you,
I'm just a crosshair,
I'm just a shot away from you..."
Ok, the rest is irrelevant to our case, hahaha...but, I mean, bloody hell, just call me girl. I am free all working hours, hahaha [I'm at the office, but what the heck, it's August, aren't I supposed to be loose or something?]
Seriously now... don't believe what you read. Life is not cloudeAd. It's just... clouded sometimes, that's all...
Now, let us see that shining smile back in that pretty face of yours, shall we?
12:37 AM
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