Friday, January 14, 2005


17 more minutes to go… If The Cure managed to squeeze a masterpiece into 17 seconds, I guess I can do miracles in 17 minutes. But I won’t. Cause I don’t want to… I just want to feel alive again. Sometimes it feels like my soul has been dried out. And I’m smart and capable enough not to let my slip hang. You couldn’t tell, you couldn’t know. But, if u knew, u would have noticed that the sparkle is no longer there. You may notice it re-emerging at a glance after the seventh drink or so… When Box’s crowded and ABC sing about the night someone murdered love. Can that be done? Can one really murder love? Please don’t ask me that. Because, from all people, I should know. Problem is, I wish I didn’t…
Anyhoo, it’s Friday, so I guess it could be worse. And if u whisper the word “Monday”, I ‘d say it could be way too bad…
Good, just 12 minutes to go. Whenever you are doing something you dislike, you feel like serving your military duty… For the last half hour of your guard, you are just in a mode of… “c’mon, c’mon, where’s my shift change?” It’s just basic psychology, actually: your duty fades away as time goes passing by. In the end, the only thing in your head is the forthcoming changing of the guard. Now imagine what happens when it’s not even a matter of succession, when all it takes is to see the clock hand move a little. That’s all. And you are good to go.
4 more minutes… What can you possibly do in four minutes? You couldn’t possibly start sth – it would be pointless. You could leave earlier, that’s what you can do. You can pretend it’s high time you left. So you will gain four minutes. And, maybe later, you can experience the best four-minute period of your life. Now… that’s a good thought. Let’s hold it for a while and get the hell outta here…
One minute left. Happy new year :-/


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