Wednesday, January 05, 2005

shi mian mai fu

...meaning ambush in ten directions in korean...
Saw House Of Flying Daggers last night. One of the most beautiful paintings you will ever see displayed on the big screen... There are some pictures you wish could be freeze framed for hours. What a beauty...
Now, I don't want to spoil it for you, if u intend to see the movie, but... there is a sequence sometime at the end of the film when we assume that Zhang Ziyi [one of the most pretty faces in movie history ever!] is dead. She has a dagger stuck in her upper left, she's down on the ground and almost covered by snow.
Her lover, Takeshi Kaneshiro is fighting with a jealous admirer, Andy Lau. Takeshi's in danger, as he is led by love but his opponent is full of anger, fear and jealousy. So... he's more determined, whereas our guy has no reason to live, given that he thinks the love of his life is dead. The duel is hard and it seems Takeshi is going to lose, as Andy is ready to throw a deadly dagger at him from a distance. And mind you, Andy never misses. Then, a miracle happens. Zhang Ziyi gets herself up and warns Andy that if he kills her lover, she will kill him at the very same moment with the dagger that's stuck in her body. Now Takeshi realises that if Zhang Ziyi does that, she will die from fatal bleeding. And he tries to come closer to Andy, so that he gets killed first and not put Zhang Ziyi in danger.
I won't tell you what happens next. It may even not be that important [well, it is, but anyway]. However, when Zhang Ziyi "woke up", assumambly from the dead, the audience burst into laughing. Yes... hahaha, funny. [Please note that throughout the movie you get to see the most amazing and ubelievable battles you could ever imagine, so spare me with what's realistic and what's not]. I mean... come on all you people. Are you so proud of yourselves that you don't care showing off you don't know what's it like to be in love? Because I didn't laugh. I was touched. Yes, Zhang Ziyi was "gone". But her lover needed her, so she came back for one last time. To save him. As he had done twice in similar circumstances. Because true love never dies. Never. "You shouldn't have come back for me", she whispers, just before the end, when she's lying/dying in his arms. "I did come back", he responds. "I came back for you, my love". And then she passes away. Silence... and then she's gone. Tears in his eyes, he's left alone. But, as the famous Caravan song say... "If I could do it all over again, I'd do it all over you". I would. I really would. And I will, I promise you that


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