Tuesday, January 04, 2005

you are so money baby

you are. cool cat. swinger. hip & sexy. you are so money... Cocktails first, questions later. Get a nightlife. There ain't nothing wrong with letting a girl know that you're money, and that you want to party. It plays reality. You're money and you don't even know it!
Whatever happened to the original Swingers though? Vince Vaughan got fat and starred in Dodgeball. John Favreau got fat and co-starred in Wimbledon. Heather Graham got thinner but starred in Lost In Space, From Hell, Guru & Commited [good gush!!! four flops in a row!!!]. Ron Livingston could be thinner or not but no one would ever notice as he still has only one claim to fame: he went to the very same university with Edward Norton. So... bollocks to that. Cool movie, nice director, and great actorship but... it's eight years down the road and it still doesn't mean a thing if it ain't got a swing... BUT... no swingers left in sight...
We had a great time, though. We won't forget them. And if we ever want to swing some more... it's just a click away.
After all, as Dino used to say, You're nobody till somebody loves you... Then again I know somebodies who are loved by nobodies, so... does it work the other way round as well?


Blogger yk said...

Dear H.D.,
Here’s one piece of advice:
You CAN’T believe everything you hear in songs…

And here’s another thought:
If you’re a nobody, then nobody will love you.Plus
Plus, if you need someone to love you to become a somebody, well…

And in any case, who’s to say who’s ‘somebody', or ‘nobody’, or whatever…
You can leave the categorizing to glossy magazines my friend…

2:29 PM


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