bela lugosi's dead

My cosy little place is called VALERIOUS MANOR. You will find it in Transylvania. We have a large guest room. You are all more than welcome. And never mind the children of the night. Oh, what sweet music do they play...
My old PO Box is no longer valid, so please keep sending letters to the following address:
Count Olaf
Vampire State Building
666 66 ROMANIA
c/o Dracula
And if u see Blade, tell him I eat daywalkers for breakfast!!!
I'm very touched! How did you know that I was planning to visit my homeplace in the near future? Your invitation is very handy, since our home tower is in the present used as a museum.
P.S. The following is not a total fiction. I'm half Romanian, from a village called Lehliu, and from a family that allegedly was cursed, because its roots reached Vlad Tepes (or Tsepes), also known as Dracula...So, watch out!
1:59 AM
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