i luv this game. d'ya love me?

We scored the second goal in injury time.
Six minutes after the last minute of the second half.
On stoppage time…
I don’t want to write a review for yesterday’s match. But I want to use it as an example for real life. Because I believe that, at the end of the day, you could say it’s only the final result that counts. I don’t know whether that applies everywhere or not, but, if you really really want something, if u r passionate about it, then you have to exceed yourself in order to win, do whatever it takes, try anything.
And when the final whistle will be blown, just raise your head and take a look at the scoreboard. Who won? Was it you? If yes, congratulations, you deserved it. If not… maybe you should have tried harder… Think about it.
Even after the lights go out all over this scoreboard. The scoreboard of your life… Some manage to qualify for the next round. Others won't be satisfied unless they win the championship... But even then... after some time, they will have to defend their crown. So, it takes a lot of hard work.
But... if u are once a worthy winner, then it can't be that difficult to realize that no, it's not hard work you need. Just relax, take your time, enjoy the game and play it simple - there is no way you are going to lose, I promise you that...
Που να το φαναταζόταν ολόκληρο το έθνος του Καζακστάν (τεράστια χώρα παρεμπιπτόντως) ότι θα παρείχαν το πάτημα για μια τόσο βαθυστόχαστη ανάλυση περί του που πρέπει να δίδεται η σημασία σε αυτή τη ζωή...
τι ώρα το Σάββατο;
6:50 AM
Δεν έχω ιδέα… θες να έρθω Μαρούσι και να φύγουμε από εκεί με ένα αμάξι; Βρήκες πάσο, ok;
12:36 AM
Άστο δεν παίζει, εγώ θα μαι εκεί από τις έξι οπότε φαντάζομαι θα τα πούμε εκεί κατευθείαν...
Υ.Γ. Αυτό δεν είναι μπλογκ, είναι το msn
12:55 AM
Έχεις interview, e; Φάτα όλα jarhead!!! Θα γίνεται της κακομοίρας, λες, ή θα βρεθούμε άνετα;
Υ.Γ. Μην μου λες εμένα «δεν παίζει» γιατί θα γίνει της πηδιόλας εδώ πέρα!!!
1:20 AM
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