Thursday, November 24, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
wish u were here

As I am writing down these lines, I find myself in a city that’s not my own. It’s the city my father was born – does this make it my hometown as well? It sure doesn’t feel like one to me… I like it here, though. I like the sea, I like the relaxing vibe out in the streets, I like the fact that everything’s just a walk away from where I am now. Oh, yes… where I am now…
It’s a luxurious room in a five star hotel. From where I am standing right now I cannot see the bathroom – it’s too far in the back corner. In the bathroom, I could easily launch an orgy with one female soccer team, substitutes included. I have my own hi-fi system, an enormous tv set with brand new movies on the menu, a dsl connection, a majestic view and a mini bar so filled it could take the thirst out of the salvation army. Everything’s been paid by someone else and at the wee wee small hours of the morning I sense a quietness that’s not been familiar to me in ages. It’s smoothing and it’s rewarding, if you are willing to stay awake as the night lights fade away…
Tomorrow I will have a ridiculously variable breakfast, I will go to the airport to welcome some interesting people from abroad and, meanwhile, I can see lots of challenging movies. Furthermore, I am already invited in some highly anticipated parties and, to top it all, David Holmes is djing on Friday evening…
So, will I sound too ungrateful, if I say that I’d rather be back home? Or anywhere closer to you, for that matter?...
Sunday, November 20, 2005
shake worries from your hair

There are some things I have never ever said in my life. I haven’t, because I didn’t and still don’t, feel like I really really need the following…
I need a fag
I need a shag
I need a cup of coffee
I need to get some sleep
I need a drink
I need to go shopping
I need to see my shrink
I need to watch TV [or I need to buy a TV set, for that matter]
I need to get a job
I need to break a law
I need to break a jaw [ok, that's a lie...]
I need someone’s help here
I need to take viagra pills :-)
I need to meet my idol
I need to be somebody else
I need to lie
I need to smile like I mean it
Nope, not me… I never needed any of that, so I have never said something similar…
But I’ll tell you that: I really need[ed] to see you tonight…
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
your wish is my command, your kiss is my demand

There were many reasons why I haven’t been updating this blog for the past month or so….
Most of them are still going….
However, I now have one good reason to write something new.
Because… I don’t know if I have ever said that but…
I love it when you ask me things. I like doing things that please you but when you ask me, even with your anything but demanding way, I just enjoy them twice as much – don’t know why but I do. So… you wanted a story… let’s see what there is to be posted…
I was out with a friend last night. We smoked some fags, played some pool, pretended we never went to school… oops, wrong chapter… :-)
Anyhoo, we were at this small pub and the dj was playing his 70s guts out, we couldn’t stand any more blues riffs and hard rockin’ boogies so we said our goodbyes and headed for the exit door. And then he run into this guy he knows and he [the other guy] told him “I think I have met someone you know… Actually someone you were going out with sometime in the past. I am not sure I remember her name but…”
And he was right. He had actually met a girl my friend had a thing once. “A thing”… That’s an understatement, to say the least… But you get my point… So when we hit the road, my friend L. turned to me and said: “Why did I have to bump into this guy? The last thing I wanted back there was someone to remind me of my mistakes…”
I thought it was the booze talking and I didn’t consider this to be much of a real deal, to be honest, so I just smiled, turned on the radio and started singing the new Darkness single, “One way ticket to hell… and back”, but he fell silent, so I just knew there was something deeper going on… When we crashed back home and landed on the sofa, putting a Compulsion album on the cd player and letting this take us back in our early nineties semi-grunge adolescence, he started mumbling again irrelevant words about him and his choices and his past and everything. Everything but the girl. But obviously, he just didn’t want to spell her name. Otherwise, everything was indeed about that girl…
The smoke cloud was covering his sleepy eyes, as he sipped down the last beer from my fridge and started snoring there…While I was getting him a blanket I just realized I thought he was a hit & run kinda guy. Not the one who gets stuck with anyone, let alone a girl from the recent past. But obviously, his image is just a mirage he wants us to see and take for granted. The truth is that he has a weak spot. And, cross my heart, if I knew who that girl were… I would have tried to phone her last night, at three o’clock in the morning and explain her everything. Not much that is. Only the substantial fact: he’s in love. Head over he…els…:-)
Friday, November 04, 2005
when it rains, it pours

My friend M. lost his mother just two days ago. It was not a good year for my friend. He suffered lots of losses. And the last one was the most difficult. They say that you have to get used with the idea that your parents won’t live forever. Well… you don’t, actually. Even if you are close to your 40th birthday or your son’s 20th birthday and he’s about to lose his grandmother… You don’t. Some things never change. And you are your mother’s little boy as long as your mother lives. The moment she’s gone, you’re not her little boy any more. And that’s tough, to say the least…
Throughout this hard year, M. had to cope with situations almost unbearable. But he got through. And I admire him for that. And he still manages to crack a smile. And go on. Do his thing. And he does it well. They say that when you lose your family [parents], only a new family [children] can make up for the loss. I don’t know about that. But I sure know one thing. My friend M. is nice and lovable and excellent as nice and lovable and excellent a guy can get. I cannot describe to you the relation ship he has with his friends. And, because he’s such an exceptional person, he has many friends, he has his own extended family. So, whether he needs a shoulder to cry, a hug to give, a joke to share, a moment of silence to spend, a record to listen to or a great restaurant to propose, there will always be at least two dozen friends to do all that with him. So, in a strange way, you could say that even this year, this very difficult year, M. has been the luckiest person in the world. But he’s not. You are lucky when something happens out of the blue. M is loved because he deserves it. His friends are the lucky ones…
May your mom rest in peace…
P.S. I know I may have no right to ask that from anyone out there but… next time the phone rings, can you please NOT give me any more bad news? Can you please let me know of unimportant issues, of football matches and love crashes and financial problems and cars breaking down and boring days at work and bad moods and crap movies and poor performances by Greek teams in Champions League fixtures, and cancelled gigs and stolen t-shirts and whatever? Thanx…