your wish is my command, your kiss is my demand

There were many reasons why I haven’t been updating this blog for the past month or so….
Most of them are still going….
However, I now have one good reason to write something new.
Because… I don’t know if I have ever said that but…
I love it when you ask me things. I like doing things that please you but when you ask me, even with your anything but demanding way, I just enjoy them twice as much – don’t know why but I do. So… you wanted a story… let’s see what there is to be posted…
I was out with a friend last night. We smoked some fags, played some pool, pretended we never went to school… oops, wrong chapter… :-)
Anyhoo, we were at this small pub and the dj was playing his 70s guts out, we couldn’t stand any more blues riffs and hard rockin’ boogies so we said our goodbyes and headed for the exit door. And then he run into this guy he knows and he [the other guy] told him “I think I have met someone you know… Actually someone you were going out with sometime in the past. I am not sure I remember her name but…”
And he was right. He had actually met a girl my friend had a thing once. “A thing”… That’s an understatement, to say the least… But you get my point… So when we hit the road, my friend L. turned to me and said: “Why did I have to bump into this guy? The last thing I wanted back there was someone to remind me of my mistakes…”
I thought it was the booze talking and I didn’t consider this to be much of a real deal, to be honest, so I just smiled, turned on the radio and started singing the new Darkness single, “One way ticket to hell… and back”, but he fell silent, so I just knew there was something deeper going on… When we crashed back home and landed on the sofa, putting a Compulsion album on the cd player and letting this take us back in our early nineties semi-grunge adolescence, he started mumbling again irrelevant words about him and his choices and his past and everything. Everything but the girl. But obviously, he just didn’t want to spell her name. Otherwise, everything was indeed about that girl…
The smoke cloud was covering his sleepy eyes, as he sipped down the last beer from my fridge and started snoring there…While I was getting him a blanket I just realized I thought he was a hit & run kinda guy. Not the one who gets stuck with anyone, let alone a girl from the recent past. But obviously, his image is just a mirage he wants us to see and take for granted. The truth is that he has a weak spot. And, cross my heart, if I knew who that girl were… I would have tried to phone her last night, at three o’clock in the morning and explain her everything. Not much that is. Only the substantial fact: he’s in love. Head over he…els…:-)
funny you go back to the past. i read my archives from ages ago. i seem more...thoughtful (and interesting) though unwise as to the consequences of blogging. strange that my self-assesment still rings about 90% true.
Nice post. I can remember the one the second half of this story is borrowed from.
Keep posting. It keeps you thinking
5:54 AM
Your friend's moodiness had nothing to do about the girl, did it?
It had to do with himself.
That's not necessarily bad:-)
I really liked the story.
1:30 PM
sosti i despoina. welcome back hector. x
4:42 PM
Nice day today, huh?
It's good to have you back. I hope you won't disappear again :-)
4:15 AM
Πολύ ωραίο ποστ.
Ωστόσο, hector, thank God που δεν ήξερες ποιο ήταν το κορίτσι. H despoina είπε ότι η κακοκεφιά του φίλου σου δεν είχε να κάνει με το κορίτσι, αλλά με τον ίδιο. Εγώ προσθέτω ότι η δική σου ερμηνεία δεν είχε να κάνει με το φίλο σου, αλλά μ' εσένα τον ίδιο.
4:15 PM
The fact that only a 17 year old boy from across the atlantic [& the pacific as well] was the only one who got it makes me wonder...
Does this mean you girls are puzzled by the fact that you happen to know me personally or just because you are girls... period?
Then again, as I 've explained on previous posts as well, the blog stories are just fiction... Or maybe not...
3:32 AM
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