when it rains, it pours

My friend M. lost his mother just two days ago. It was not a good year for my friend. He suffered lots of losses. And the last one was the most difficult. They say that you have to get used with the idea that your parents won’t live forever. Well… you don’t, actually. Even if you are close to your 40th birthday or your son’s 20th birthday and he’s about to lose his grandmother… You don’t. Some things never change. And you are your mother’s little boy as long as your mother lives. The moment she’s gone, you’re not her little boy any more. And that’s tough, to say the least…
Throughout this hard year, M. had to cope with situations almost unbearable. But he got through. And I admire him for that. And he still manages to crack a smile. And go on. Do his thing. And he does it well. They say that when you lose your family [parents], only a new family [children] can make up for the loss. I don’t know about that. But I sure know one thing. My friend M. is nice and lovable and excellent as nice and lovable and excellent a guy can get. I cannot describe to you the relation ship he has with his friends. And, because he’s such an exceptional person, he has many friends, he has his own extended family. So, whether he needs a shoulder to cry, a hug to give, a joke to share, a moment of silence to spend, a record to listen to or a great restaurant to propose, there will always be at least two dozen friends to do all that with him. So, in a strange way, you could say that even this year, this very difficult year, M. has been the luckiest person in the world. But he’s not. You are lucky when something happens out of the blue. M is loved because he deserves it. His friends are the lucky ones…
May your mom rest in peace…
P.S. I know I may have no right to ask that from anyone out there but… next time the phone rings, can you please NOT give me any more bad news? Can you please let me know of unimportant issues, of football matches and love crashes and financial problems and cars breaking down and boring days at work and bad moods and crap movies and poor performances by Greek teams in Champions League fixtures, and cancelled gigs and stolen t-shirts and whatever? Thanx…
It’s true. You can never get used to the idea of loss. And I was thinking that maybe if you lose a parent (or well someone who is like a parent) when you are young it might be better, since you learn not to take your loved ones' existence for granted, but that’s not true actually. Because when you lose someone when you are young you are robbed of your innocence too early and you run the risk of living your life in perpetual fear of losing someone else as well…and, well, living in fear is not healthy, is it?
At a creative writing course in college we had to keep a journal in poetic form. Some of my poems came out pretty eloquent. Some did not. Your P.S. reminded me of one of my poorest attempts, which however had resulted from a relevant theme:
I want to go to sleep for some hours.
I will unplug all the phones,
And let the world sneak by without me.
If something happens in the meantime,
If you decide to just let go,
Please, don’t yank me out of my dreams.
Come slowly by my bed
And gently whisper in my ear
The dreadful word: Death
P.S. Sorry I commented on this post. I somehow feel like I'm intruding, don't know why...
10:42 AM
Temporary Alien - u r not intruding. On the contrary, your comments are more than welcome, as you always have something interesting to say. Too bad you don't update your own blog that often... And I agree with your points. Plus, Morrissey would kill for your lyrics! :-)
white car... This summer I spend a week with M in his country house. For seven days in a row we laughed our souls out for all the topics, jokes, comments, points of view and music arguments you can imagine. If u were there and you could see how familiar his friends are towards him, you would know that, sometimes, true friendships can guarantee that you never ever need to express any gratitude or whatever. Do you remember that LOVE STORY tagline, "Love means never having to say you're sorry...". Well, in this case, it applies as true friendship means never having to say anything that's jsut taken for granted. And M's friends never tell him that he's special, so why should he ever pay back the compliment?
1:16 AM
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