
This great guy I have known for twelve years or so died last Thursday night. I went to the funeral on Saturday morning. He was 35 years old.
I thought about writing something close to an obituary but then I felt it was kind of pointless. While I was there, between all his friends who were crying their hearts out, I thought of him and some great jokes he had played on me during the time we were working at the same floor, at the same publishing company. I thought of my close friend Stephen who also died, even younger, aged 22. I thought of me and my choices in this life. And then I thought about the ones whom he left behind without an actual choice.
There is no use writing down all these thoughts. I can't see a reason why I should expose that on just another post. At the same time, I cannot seem to go on updating this blog. I mean, I know life still goes on no matter what, but... sometimes serious things happen. And no great movies or crap records or amusing night out's or whatever really seems to matter. I mean, what am I supposed to do? And, even worse, if I am still looking for an asnwer, can you even begin to imagine what his folks and his girlfriend and his close mates are going through?
Farewell big guy. You were loved. And you will be missed. A lot...
P.S. Thank u Niva for the Sad Wings Of Destiny hint...
farrking hell. life is just one kick in the balls after another.
i think something of note was you remembering the good things - that's probably what most people would like, passing on. remember what he's taught you, everyone shares something valuable sometime in their life...
4:18 AM
that is true... then again, i was not THAT close. I guess there must be some losses that just tear you apart...
5:50 AM
Hector are you okay?
1:56 AM
It’s not selfish. It is always a shock. Especially when you can find some connecting thread.
Why are we shocked? We take our days for granted. When something like this happens it reminds us time is limited.
12:02 AM
6:39 AM
Warrell Dane of Nevermore dedicated "Dreaming Neon Black" to H. last night and the venue was seized with applause. Touching moment...
2:22 AM
Wow! That was an excellent gesture. I am sure H. was flattered. Very touching indeed...
Thanx Niva for the info.
Frida, I am fine, thank you. But why did you worry?
Drude, no it's not selfish, Frida is right. Actually, you get to feel shocked because it is not natural. Young people are not supposed to die out of the blue. Then again... they obviously do, so... what can I say? But it's true. Nothing must be taken for granted...
2:39 AM
You were hurt, I hate to see someone in pain.
7:36 AM
Thanx Frida, that's very kind of you...
It's ok, I suppose. Life moves on, no matter what. Andruth is my daily routine is eaxctly the same. I think of his colleagues, though, and I really believe it would be impossible for them to work at the same office, facing his empty desk. I even think of the guy whio's goint to replace him. He will alwys be in our big fellow's shadow... For these people, life is different. And difficult.
Thanx again for caring...
all the best,
11:32 PM
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