sweet smell of true love

It’s very early in the morning.
I am on a bus.
I am overhearing the guy beside me…
I understand he’s leaving a message on an answering machine…
“Hey, it’s me. Just wanted to say how I love the smell of your body on me, now that I am on my way to work. Even better than the smell you leave on my pillows when you get out of my bed. Our bed… Have a nice day…”
And then he obviously hung up his cell phone. But just when I thought he was done, I heard him whispering to himself: “Actually, I like the smell of the whole world since I met you…”
I didn’t turn around to see how he was like.
But I know there is a lucky girl out there somewhere…
how romantic and sexy at the same time. i 'm jealous
3:58 AM
:-) agree...
4:22 AM
How sweet!!
6:27 AM
αααχχχ!!!νεο βιταμ σοφτ μας εκανες...
10:31 AM
Hey spoon-fool [hehe], maybe that was you!!!!!
2:08 AM
Lucky girl? More like a lucky guy :)
3:15 AM
is that a true story ? sounds too good to be true.
12:06 PM
he's probably gay...
7:51 PM
Mei hon, trust your sister's friends: they never lie. This blog is full of truth and nothing but [ok, that was a HUGE lie]...
Bginley, I was sure someone would say that but I didn't expected that someone to be my one and only american blogpal.... :-) You were supposed to be the cynical one, Bridg.....
Nah, if u ask me, he didn't sound gay. I know gays don't sound somehow special, but I think some minor details can give away one's sexual orientation...
Vini, in cases like that, they're both lucku, wouldn't you say?... Unless of course he's a stalker or something, hahaha
11:51 PM
Nah, he can't be gay! Guys like that exist. I met one or two (three, if you count the one I met in a novel - The Hottest State, by Ethan Hawke, believe it or not). The thing is that the girl (and I was that girl the first time) is not always ready to accept so much emotion, or well, sensuality. So what sounds so sweet and romantic seen from our side might seem overwhelming and even frustrating from the girl's side. Still, in the state of mind I'm in right now, I agree, this guy sounded very romantic and sensual...
12:37 AM
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12:48 AM
When feelings are not mutual... horrible things happen. And that applies everywhere in this life - and beyond!
1:32 AM
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