Friday, January 21, 2005

living in a box

I was djing last night and lots of people dropped by for a drink.
Here are some samples from what was heard in the BOX that particular Thursday evening [songs excluded]

“May I have an ursus vodka please?”
[A shy guy who thought I was the bar tender]

“Fuck, I have to get back home and study. This semester is too darn difficult!”
[a young girl to her boyfriend]

“I wouldn’t normally do that kind of thing, but it’s the aspect of joining the Army that scares the hell out of me” [the aforementioned boyfriend, a Wayne Coyne (Flaming Lips’ singer) look-alike who seemed way too old not to have served his time so far…]

“Can you play «Touch Me», by Samantha Fox for me?”
[a girl I have seen in various occasions but have never been introduced to her]

“Could you please turn the volume down a little bit?”
[My boss, when The Killers' “Somebody Told Me” was on]

“Thank you very much!”
[a girl named Sophia, who asked for a Minnie Ripperton song called “Les Fleur” –she said it’s on a tv ad or sth but I couldn’t know, as I don’t have a tv set– but instead received a compliment for her white shirt]

“Blimey – It’s still 1.30!!!”
[The original bar-tender when the clock seemed stuck to, erm, 01.30]

Fuck you, by Archive?”
[Samantha Fox. Well, not exactly. The girl who had asked for Sam Fox’s hit…]

“But, I mean… how can it be? You should, shouldn’t you?”
[The same girl, when I responded “Sorry, ain’t got it with me tonight”]

“When r u gonna spin your records again here? Do you play elsewhere as well?”
[Two girls who came to me giggling nervously and tried to split the questions. If u consider the fact that there were two questions and two girls, I still don’t understand how they managed to fail…]

“Sorry. We won’t make it after all.”
[My friend Dockman, via sms, announcing that they wouldn’t, erm, make it after all]

“Excuse me, what’s that?”

“How much do I owe you?”
[The same shy guy whom I introduced in the beginning. Too drunk to remember I wasn’t actually the bar tender first time around]


Blogger Temporary Alien said...

"Touch Me" and "Fuck You"? Was she hitting on you?

10:05 AM


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