grasshoppers & yello & young gods & clocks

She’s leaving today. We said our goodbyes two days ago. I have seen it coming, to be honest. She told me she had to travel abroad. She had to do that for another guy. She will have a family with him. To be honest, it’s been long since these two got together in the first place. It’s just that to me, in a way, she would always be mine…
I didn’t try to persuade her. Honestly, I didn’t have the arguments or even the reasons to try something like that. I wish her luck. She said she’d write, that after a while, maybe I could visit them and stuff… Who knows… Maybe I will.
So… at the time I am writing she will be on a plane to Switzerland. Destination: Lozanne. Yup, I guess much better than the capital of Greece. They speak French up there. Oh, what the heck, she always spoke French better than me…
Truth is, it’s been some time since we haven’t exactly been THAT close to each other. Life moved on and before you knew it, we weren’t under the same roof. Not every night. When she told me about the other guy for the first time, I thought it was just another flame. But she proved me wrong. They proved me wrong. All three of them. And maybe… there is more to come…
So our little Phaedra [older though she may be than me, I will always think of her as the younger one] is on a plane to her new home for the next three-five years. And I know she’s going to find happiness there. I will miss her, although it may sound pretentious, given the fact that I had lots of opportunities to see her more often but always postponed that…
Oh you people, I am talking about my sis here, hahaha.
Really now, it’s a fact. Today she took the plane to Switzerland. The land of milk & honey. Or the land of chocolate and cuckoos to be more precise, :-). Her husband was relocated for professional reasons [newsflash: there are actual jobs out there that need something more than just a our average input, hahaha], so she took her little daughter, Aphrodite, aged 1 [!!!!!!!] and followed him there.
I know it may sound boring to most of you, but… as you may understand it is the event of the month, to say the least, for me and my family…
Someone told me that in Switzerland you can get ganja for free. You cannot buy it or sell it but you can give it as a… supplement with something else. So… I imagine myself entering shops and ordering for a dozen red roses – or thirteen, if the bonus one get me my little takeaway gift, hahaha.
Nah, I’m only joking. The grass won’t be the reason why I will be visiting Switzerland any time soon. :-)
Have a nice trip lil’ sis. Do you remember that one? It’s for you, once more…
Hey little babe you're changing
Babe, are you feeling sore?
Ain't no use in pretending
You don't wanna play no more
It's plain that you ain't no baby
What would your mother say
You're all dressed up like a lady
How come you behave this way
Sail Away Sweet Sister
Sail across the sea
Maybe you find somebody
Who loves you half as much as me
My heart is always with you
No matter what you do
Sail away sweet sister
Always be in love with you
Forgive me for what I told you
My heart makes a fool of me
You know I'll never hold you
I know that you gotta be free
Sail Away Sweet Sister
Sail across the sea
Maybe you find somebody
Who loves you half as much as me
Take it the way you want it
But when they let you down my friend
Sail away sweet sister
Back to my arms again
Hot child don't you know, you're young -
You've got your whole life ahead of you
Oohah - You can throw it away too soon
Way too soon
That was Queen’s Sail Away Little Sister. Brian May wrote the lyrics “for the sister I never had”. Well I have one… and I am sooooooooo very lucky for that. :-)
"I know it may sound boring to most of you, ..." not at all!! its posts like this one that I mostly enjoy reading. i wish your sister best of luck and to you i wish for time and money to be able to visit her, whnever you feel like! ;-)
11:11 AM
that was very nice, thank you. if money is the issue, I will ask for your contribution, is that ok?...
12:50 AM
you totally had me going....
3:42 PM
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