Fahrenheit or Centigrade

It's been a strange week...
I was home, sick [not homesick]
Unfortunately, people related to people very close to me left this world seeking for quieter places...
So... It's been a really strange week...
I spent seven days in a row at home.
Unfortunately, I couldn't do much to throw away my friend's pain.
Even worse, now that I am back to normal, I can't do much either...
I hope your week was better. Actually... how was it for you?
your life is full of plays, movies, matches and.... some slight script changes. I will pass your proposals to Sydnay Pollack - however, you miss the point here. Nicole is not attracted to Sean Penn physically. It just happens that she needs a male assurance in her life. Let me also remind you that he's supposed to mourn his wife - it wouldn't be politically "correct" to kiss another woman right after the funeral, would it? Besides.... in order for hims to kiss her, he would have to take the stairs, hahahaha... Then again, she's used in kissing shorter men [ie: Tom Cruise], so... u may have a point after all :-)
That makes me wonder, though... Do you mean that for 168 hours... you didn't touch your X-BOX? I doubt it...
1:09 AM
My sincere sympathy for your friends' loss. Hope he/she'll recover. Just stay close to him/her and make them laugh...that always helps...
2:43 AM
Thanx AZ.
Coming from you that surely means a lot.
It's admirable the way you handled your recent loss...
I don't know what to say, to be honest. But... I hope you live many many years to remember him and spread around his tales...
3:59 AM
Well he was not THAT devastated. After all, if he were really interested in her, he could jump on the next plane to Matobo [the fictitious country that was created as a sub-Saharan nation in Southern Africa in the vicinity of Zimbabwe and Mozambique... GO FIGURE!!!].
But hell no, he preferred to stay there, staring at the lake and clearing his gun for his next diplomat protection project.
I wouldn't say he's exactly head over he...ll in love!!!
And he didn't exactly hug her. She rested her head on his shoulder. What was he supposed to do? Punch her right in the face? Now THAT would be an interesting alternative... Yup, I'll ask for some script changes as well
4:20 AM
Hahahaha! LOL
I totally agree. That's what I thought first time around too.
It's ZUWANIE, actually, but it does no difference. That's not a politician's name - it's 100% a soccer name, hahaha.
And Zuwanie takes the ball, runs past Anatolakis, shoots and... oh, no, Nitkoides cannot block the ball. IT'S A GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:34 AM
let them pass on to a better place.
speaking of which - did you, by chance...get that hollow feeling where you shouldve felt pain, by all means, but didnt? Speaking from experience, i dont like it. i dont know, it might just be me...
speaking of which - ANZAC day is coming up - it's a national holiday to celebrate the death of Australian and N.Z. soldiers that landed at gallipoli and died. seems strange to have a holiday where people lost, not won, but it's more about nationalisim...freedoms we enjoy today...and the values that the soldiers showed. A little cultural enlightenment there for you all :)
My week has been tedious - average schooling, boring classes about irrelevant subjects that i couldnt give a flying fuck about (pardon the profanity)
On the upside, i did have a wonderful time a jess's last arvo/night.
oh, and was called in to work tonight to close. funny how six! people all ring in sick for the same shift...
more work friday.
also going to get a suit tailored/fitted on the weekend! :)
you stayed at home for a week and still didnt type a reply to my last e-mail! :0 tsk tsk shame on you! (joking, of course, when youre ready :)
hope you're well
7:48 AM
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