Random Rated R

· The best porno flick title ever: "My first time... volume VI"
· The best song to listen to your discman walking your way to work on an early morning: The Jam's "Going Underground". What a bassline!
· The out of competition best way to start your day: an e-mail with an attachment under the code name KARDAMILI
· The best current t-shirt slogan: Quit Your Job!
· The best song title: Rubin Steiner’s “Your Life Is Like A Tony Conrad Concert”
· The best anthology title: Steve Wynn’s “What I Did After My Band Broke Up”, collecting his solo years [post Dream Syndicate]. Mediocre material, great title
· Music to my ears: Your voice, over the phone
· Best movie I have seen lately: Eternal Sunshine Of A Spotless Mind. What a script! What a direction!
· Second best thing I’d like to do right now: Play “The Punisher” in PS2
· Highlight of the week: anytime soon
"· Highlight of the week: anytime soon"
I guess it will happen sometime after the clock strikes five today and before it strikes nine on monday...
2:04 AM
if it strikes again... that is...
[I think you, from all people, can catch my drift...]
3:30 AM
"· The out of competition best way to start your day: an e-mail with an attachment under the code name KARDAMILI"
where the fuck is kardamili? saw it written in greek on the t-shirt Eleanor of the fiery furnaces wore in a promo shoot (αυτή με το ψυγείο και τη γλάστρα)
5:44 AM
it's not the place [or the name of it] that made the differnce. It might as well had been called "Koukouvaounes" for all I care...
Are there still people who really dig The Fiery Furnaces?
Hey, noheathen, just joking...
It's down, south, peloponissos/messinia and stuff.
The Germans love it. And Eleanor's stylist as well, from what I hear...
5:57 AM
αχαχχαχα έτσι εξηγείται λοιπόν!
(τα τελευταία indie κουτσομπολιά πάντως λένε ότι η ελεωνόρα και ο αλέξης δεν κάνουν πια "κοκορέτσι" παρέα)
4:32 AM
και επί τη ευκαιρία η Καρδαμύλη εκτός του ότι είναι ένα από τα ωραιότερα μέρη που μπορείς να πάς φέτος το καλοκαίρι,απέκτησε προσφάτως και την οδό "Φάιερι Φέρνασις"...
12:45 AM
Actually, it's been one of the best places you can visit since 1973 but that's another story altogether
1:12 AM
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