and there were times I'd take my pen...

…And feel obliged to start again
I do profess that there are things in life
That one can’t quite express
You know me I’m acting dumb-dumb
You know me…
But even if you don’t, it’s not that difficult to understand I’m acting really dumb-dumb, is it?
Another sign with no regret
More coins inside her hand
One more time to own respect
No mercenary she stands
I'm no boy stealing pennies from the poor
Break it down
Can't you see she's the dum-dum girl
Another hand upon her hair
Time probably erased distaste
And so she's left outside of guilt
Break it down
Can't you see she's the dum-dum girl
Anyhoo, enough with 80s’ songs’ lyrics…
Some people say that what I know should be kept secret,
Some people say I don't know anything at all,
Some people say that what I do could be dangerous,
Some people say I don't do anything at all.
Some people say this is a blog that needs some posts in,
Some people say no it's a blog for the masses,
Some people say that they can't stand what they're reading,
Some people say... who gives a damn what they say.
Some people say that I look just like my father,
Some people say I've got my mother's eyes,
Some people say I'm like my sister 'cos I'm honest and truthful,
Some people say they know my sister’s just another lie.
Some people say that we should let the search continue,
Some people say just what the hell's going on.
But, honestly now…
Do you think I care, do you think I care,
Do you think I know or I'm aware,
Do you think I care what you say when I'm oblivious.
Blimey! Songs. All my life is surrounded, or even worse, guarded, by songs. Everywhere I look, every stone I lift, every trip back to memory lane, every move I make, every breath I take, every little thing I do, every bond I break, every step I take, every game I play, every word I say, every vow I break, every claim I stake, every smile I try unsuccessfully to fake, every fucking single day… there is a song that scores the moment. And there is a high chance songs tell me what to do actually. They show me the way. They force me to do things. They inspire me. They cheer me up. They set fire to my imagination. They sparkle in my eyes. They sex me up. They make my day. They fix the mood. They set the record straight. They send shivers down my spine. They make me wanna share!!! They make me wanna dance, scream, shout, sing and play the air guitar. They make me wanna smash, rip and burn everything around me. They make me feel ALIVE. And they never let me down. Almost…
But… great songs have no meaning when you can only imagine where they are referring to. I mean, you listen to a really GREAT song, like Blur’s “Universal”, or Jeff Buckley’s “Lover, You Should’ve Come Over”, or Diana Ross’ “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”, or Queen’s “One Year Of Love”, or The Blue Nile’s “Let’s Go Out Tonight” or Blood, Sweat & Tears’ “I Love You More Than You’ll Ever Know” or any song you consider to be great anyway and you’re left there speechless. And all you can think of is something like “Wow! Now that’s a great song. I wonder what were those guys thinking when they were writing it…” And then one day, you get the chance to actually feel what they were thinking because that’s exactly what you think as well, so you know. And then beautiful songs become more, erm, beautiful that you could ever imagine, because every detail has its own meaning and everything fits into place and everything blossoms. And you are privileged to know that there can only be one. You are the chosen. You are the one who knows that all great songs are out there for a reason: to describe the beauty that lays in front of you and the warmth that spreads inside of you. And the beats your heart skips. And the love-making. And the tears of joy and happiness.
But you are only human. Full of flaws. And you ruin it all. And you pick up the pieces, you try to rip it up and start again.
These are the times you 'd take your pen...
And feel obliged to start again.
Oh, what the heck. Rip it up and start again then. But, you know, why don’t we play the next round with the same team[mate]s?
nice. poetic even. my post (ages back) bout music didnt even come close to this..
for a great song, i recommend QOTSA's "go with the flow". it seems to hit you when you've just broken up with a girl and are, stragely enough, in a car. go figure.
keep it up Hector.
1:57 AM
thanx, although you underestimate your post. i remember that one and it seemed pretty fine to me - it just had different angle, Dave, that's all. And don't forget I just steal lyrics here, there and everywhere - i am not original, just another fraud, actually, hahaha!
As for the song, yup, it is very good. Is it the one whose a different version was included in the latest cd of The Desert Sessions series?...
Cheers mate
2:18 AM
"But don't forget the songs
That made you cry
And the songs that saved your life
Yes, you're older now
And you're a clever swine
But they were the only ones who ever stood by you"
5:10 AM
right.. another Smiths fan passing by... :-)
Hey, i never said they're the ONLY ones... thank God.
thanx 4 the comment though. Much appreciated
5:44 AM
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