not in the mood

u could say I should be a little more patient, as weekend is just around the corner, tgif etc. - but patience is not my virtue
u could say I should be having the side effects of a good night out, lots of wine and lots of laughing out loud - but that was yesterday and yesterday is too far gone...
u could say I should be thanking God it finally rained - but rain's not enough when the heat won't go away...
u could say I should be more social and polite - but, if I were you, I would think twice before entering my office...
u could say I should be grateful I am in fine health - I know I should, but...
I am just not in the mood. Ok?...
L'esprit is in love, isn't she? So much for your point...
Nah, it's such a cliche to say everyone has to offer, no one is willing to take... I'd say it's the "who" that matters! Who gives you whatever... Not what anyone gives you... Huge difference there...
5:31 AM
Oh and I hated the john lennon quote :-)
5:31 AM
I think I agree with Hector, it's the "who" that matters. And I don't think that everyone has things to offer, wcig...To use one of my favorite lines "I've always relied on the kindness of strangers".
If it's not a good season for people, maybe it's a good season for hunting? ;-)
7:32 AM
its a good season for mussels as well
7:05 AM
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