In just a week’s time… I find myself with some money to burn, a brand new notebook and a sofa, a new car WITH a cd player, some stylish trainers, a couple of challenging job assignments, at least one famous actress harassing and almost stalking me, a good night sleep, a phone call from my lawyer that I am, in a way, a wealthy man, some unanswered questions, lots of strings [on the new PSB album] etc etc
Am I supposed to be thrilled and happy as happy one can be?
Make a wild guess…
1:17 AM
Hmm... guess again?
1:34 AM
1:49 AM
Well... who am I to argue with you?
1:51 AM
i dont get it - is this actuality or something that happened in music. sorry, just a bit clueless there.... :?
4:51 AM
That was the point all along, Dave. Actually, that's the point of all my posts... But most of this blog's visitors think they get it, so actually the only one who actually gets it it's you Dave and that's because you don't really get it 100%. Confused? Well, in a nutshell, that was a compliment! :-)
5:11 AM
No, you're not....
6:42 AM
It´s the season boy..join the club..
11:05 PM
Thank you all for the [always welcome] comments...
However, it's not seasonal, it has nothing to do with pop & corns and you cannot seek for an answer @ a cineplex...
I am not in a bad mood. I know exactly what's been missing. Question is... am I going to do something brave about it?
Then again... who cares, right?
1:45 AM
You care!
and that's why you're gonna do something about it...;-)
8:56 AM
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