silver jubilee

Today my parents celebrate their 40th anniversary…
How about that?
Forty years together!!!
I don’t know about you, but it sounds out of this world to me! Forty consecutive years with one another…
Sure, there have been some fights. Lots of yelling. Some glasses even breaking on the wall, hahaha… But, if you look at them , you just know they are happy. At least as happy as one can get in this life… And I won’t ever forget one thing I have listened my mother saying over the phone to one of her friends. She didn’t know I was listening, obviously: «What can I say, my dear… He’s a stubborn kind of fellow, my husband, oh yes he is. But do you know what? I was watching him the other day, sorting out his books in the huge library of his and I thought, “If I could turn back time, I would fall for the same guy again”… What can I say? I am still under his spell».
Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to create this image of the all American family with my folks being head over heels in love after forty years of marriage, two crazy kids and one lovely grand daughter… However, what I would like to point out is that… I kind of envy them. Sure, my dad never learned to program the VCR [although that knowledge would have been proved useless in the dvd era…] and my mother never approved of my obsession for Bad Brains BUT… they seem just fine to me. All right. Balanced. Calm… In terms with themselves. And more than satisfied with their choices.
I am 31 and I still cannot say the same thing about myself… I cannot imagine myself mature enough to cope with parental demands… I don’t have a stable career, the way my father had in my age…. And I don’t think I deserve to be loved the way he was…
Nevertheless, I consider myself to be one hell of a lucky bastard. My parents gave me the privilege to afford to have my own problems and nothing but. I wish I could do the same one day for my children [if any…]
So, mom & dad, I know u r not reading this, but from the bottom of my heart, I wish that, in ten years’ time, you will be both healthy to celebrate your golden jubilee as well. Knowing that you are out there, still doing the right way whatever it is you are doing so well all these years, makes me feel that this world is a better place…
Your son…
P.S. Ok you guys I know this is not the most rawk’n’roll post ever, but it was the only thing I felt like writing today. Cheers!
Σωστός είσαι, προσοχή όμως σε κάτι. Μην πέφτεις στην παγίδα των συγκρίσεων, γιατί άλλο τότε άλλο τώρα ε... Τότε ήταν άλλου τύπου απόφαση το να κάνεις οικογένεια. Τώρα το λες σε κάποιον της ηλικίας μας (είδες που σε φέρνω στη δικιά μου γενιά για να νιώσεις νεότερος;) και σου λέει "δεν ξέρω, πως θα καταφέρω να μεγαλώσω ένα παιδί" κλπ. Και φυσικά η απάντηση είναι ότι όλοι οι γονείς που ευχαριστούμε (και εγώ κάτι ανάλογο μπορεί να γράψω) είναι αυτοί που μας έκαναν τόσο protected (από αγάπη και μπράβο τους) που γίναμε ολίγον τι φοβισμένοι να κάνουμε οποιαδήποτε θυσία καθότι δε θα δεχόμασταν να χάσουμε τίποτα από όλα αυτά που μας δόθηκαν απλόχερα...
7:16 AM
u got that right. agree... thanx 4 the comment. profound as always...
7:41 AM
so haaaaaaaaaappy 2geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeether
1:38 PM
c'mon hec, of course you deserve to be loved - !!!!
5:32 PM
White car - Niva brings the positivity out of me. He's a great bloke and his comments & posts are always touching, wouldn't you say? But you are wrong, I am always grateful for the comments I received... Furthermore, you know you love your parents and you know your father really really loved you - it's just that sometimes, circumstances are not that suitable in order to have this love expressed the right way, that's all... :-)
cd - It's the TURTLES!!!!!!
Bginley - I'm a guy who's liked. A lot. Period. Love doesn't come anywhere near, but it's ok... :-)
11:44 PM
@hector drone: είσαι τόσο σίγουρος γι'αυτό; μήπως σε αγαπούν/ έχουν αγαπήσει και δεν το έχεις πάρει είδηση; (παίζει κι αυτό ;-)
πάντως μην είσαι τόσο αρνητικός...
και να χαίρεσαι τους γονείς σου, να είναι πάντα ευτυχισμένοι και μαζί...και φυσικά, να χαίρονται και σένα! :)
2:48 AM
Markisia thanx but...
you have lost me there guys...
Obviously i am loved and yes I have been LOVED as well. I just meant that I cannot seem to be able to fill in my big man's shoes, that's all.
Thank you all for the kind words and wishes.
3:48 AM
Άντε και στους πλατινένιους! Απονομή δίσκου μου θυμίζει αυτό...
8:54 AM
And since I have not commented in a million years, I’ll do so here: just keep in mind that it’s not always the “circumstances” that do not allow a father to express his love for his children – many times it’s just his (lousy) character.
Just pay a visit to the Lost Daughters United site and you’ll see what I mean…
Oh, and, well, feel grateful that you have had your father’s love (in whatever way it was expressed) and whether you can fill his shoes or not…does it really matter? It’s more important to fill your own shoes the best way you can. No?
9:11 AM
point taken TA. And yes, I do feel grateful. And I still cannot understand how he manages to be THE father role model and still be so loving at the same time...
12:10 AM
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