Have a nice day
See you soon
Hope we'll meet again
Maybe we could go out sometime or something
I wish you all the best
May you live happily ever after with your lovely wife
Have a great weekend, will ya?
How was your two-week holiday?
Excellent! See you next month, then...
Your son is very sweet!
My God! It's you! I mean, how long has it been?
Yeah, I know. We're getting married in ten days.
Do you want me to show you the ring he gave me, when he proposed?
I just got back from my honeymoon!
What can I say? He's just... perfect! I am in total bliss...
He is by far the most wonderful guy I have ever met!
To cut a long story short, he's the best thing that ever happened to me. What about you, though? Any luck with your ladies?
I am flying over to Paris for a mini break. He's going to wait for me with his cabriole to the airport...
Describe him in just two words? Let me think... Great Sex! Yup, I think that will do...
Well, you know, I noticed his confidence right from the start...
So, do you STILL buy records, play games and live in this semi-abandoned flat?
Well, I guess some things never change, do they? Anyway, I hope you will be ok...
I just called to say hi... And, by the way, where do you want me to send the wedding invitation?
We should catch up sometime. What? No, can't do next week. I am going to escort somebody in the ambassador's ball...
In the movie business, ha? Good, good for you. Me? Nah, nothing special. Just flied back from New Zealand. We had an international nuclear science meeting - just the top ten scientists from around the globe... Nothing extraordinary, though. But next week, we're going to the moon and back...
God! You haven't changed a bit. Still look like a twenty five year old!!!
My old phone number is no longer in use. I will send you an sms with my new one, ok?
Where did you say you live now?
I am afraid I am not going to make it. I am out of time... Sorry about that. Have fun, though...
Give them my love, will ya?
Excellent lines, all of them. But what happens when they're addressed to you by the love of your life? They kinda suck, don't they? Big time...